Cámara:Canon EOS 7D Mark II F-número:f/3.5 Velocidad obturación:1/3200 ISO:200 Fecha:2019:11:25 16:33:24
Encapuchad@s de la revuelta social
Proyecto de retratos realizado en Plaza de La Dignidad y sus alrededores sobre los manifestantes que protestan contra el gobierno de Sebastián Piñera en lo que ha sido el estallido social o revuelta social que se originó el 18 de octubre del 2019 en Chile. © Bastián Cifuentes.
Viaje por el amazonas
Transporte fluvial en el río Amazonas donde grandes ferris recorren cientos de kilometros. La gente lleva sus propias hamacas y el servicio de transporte incluye las comidas y las duchas. © Alejandro Olivares.
viaje por el amazonas
Cámara:Canon EOS 5D Mark III F-número:f/1.4 Velocidad obturación:1/1000 ISO:100 Fecha:2020:02:13 12:48:23
Mercado Animal
Cámara:Canon EOS 5D Mark III F-número:f/2.0 Velocidad obturación:1/2000 ISO:100 Fecha:2020:02:24 11:47:09
03 Tubería Ojos de San Pedro
Tubería de extracción de agua en el salar Ojos de San Pedro, antigua laguna que en la década del 70 sufrió un agresivo proceso de sequía producto de las faenas de las mineras Radomiro Tómic y Chuquicamata. Esta tubería extrae agua del río Siloli y forma parte de la red de más de 300 km de cañerías hídricas distribuidas en la cuenca del Río Loa y destinadas en un gran porcentaje a la alta minería. © Gaspar Abrilot.
Traslado Coronavirus Fach
Un sacerdote con una máscara protectora escucha una confesión detrás de una pantalla plegable, al aire libre en la iglesia de la Sagrada Familia, durante el inicio de la reapertura gradual de las actividades religiosas en la Ciudad de México, México Julio, 2020. © Edgard Garrido.
Incendio Iglesia San Francisco de Borja
Cámara:Canon EOS 5D Mark III F-número:f/5.6 Velocidad obturación:1/125 ISO:2000 Fecha:2020:10:18 17:21:32
RS4064_DEPORTES Mencion Honrosa 109-original
Cámara:FC220 F-número:f/2.2 Velocidad obturación:1/320 ISO:100 Fecha:2020:10:24 15:04:40 Google Map
Gustavo Gatica V.
Gustavo Gatica V.
The best of Chilean photojournalism In this selection we take you to the winners of FOTOPRENSA 2021, many of whom have published in CAPTION.
In this 42nd version – an instance that since 1950 has brought together and disseminated the work of photojournalists – are recognized the photographs taken during 2019 and 2020, transcendent years that undoubtedly marked the history of our country. The photographs describe situations experienced in Chile and abroad through forty-five unique photographic works, grouped into nine categories, both in reportage and individual photography.
Flipbook version
Preparations and transfer of serious patients with Coronavirus Covid 19, by personnel from the Chilean Air Force (Fach) and Samu ambulances. The infected patients were taken from Group 10 of Santiago airport to the city of Puerto Montt. © Andrés Pérez .
Water extraction pipe in the Ojos de San Pedro salt flat, an old lagoon that suffered an aggressive drought process in the 1970s as a result of the operations of the Radomiro Tómic and Chuquicamata mining companies. This pipe extracts water from the Siloli River and is part of the network of more than 300 km of water pipes distributed in the Loa River basin and destined in a large percentage to high-level mining. © Gaspar Abrilot.
Crematorium workers push the plastic-covered body of a person who died of COVID-19 into a crematorium oven in Nezahualcóyotl, during the disease outbreak in Mexico City, May 2020. © Edgard Garrido.
Women march in commemoration of the International Day Against Violence Against Women in Santiago, Chile. © Javier Salvo.
River transportation on the Amazon River where large ferries travel hundreds of kilometers. People bring their own hammocks and the transportation service includes meals and showers. © Alejandro Olivares.
Project of portraits carried out in Plaza de La Dignidad and its surroundings on the demonstrators who protest against the government of Sebastián Piñera in what has been the social outbreak or social revolt that originated on October 18, 2019 in Chile. © Bastian Cifuentes.
Church of San Francisco de Borja attacked by hooded men during the March for the first social outbreak in Chile. © Sergio Alfonso López.
People in wheelchairs play basketball on a public court in the Artigas neighborhood of Caracas, Venezuela, October 2020, amid the coronavirus pandemic. © Matías Delacroix.
A priest wearing a protective mask listens to a confession behind a folding screen, outdoors at the Sagrada Familia church, during the start of the gradual reopening of religious activities in Mexico City, Mexico July, 2020. © Edgard Garrido.
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